Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oskar Kokoschka... The Dreaming youths... 1907/08

click on image to enlarge

Renowned as an Expressionist painter, the Austrian artist Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980) began his career in the decorative arts, studying book illustration, printmaking and typography alongside life drawing at Vienna’s School of Applied Arts between 1904 and 1908. The Dreaming Youths, begun in November 1907 and printed the following June, was Kokoschka’s first major graphic series, produced at the age of 21 while he was still a student. It started as a commission for a children’s picture-book, but Kokoschka set aside his brief after the first illustration, adding verses to create a complex ‘picture-poem’ exploring the desires and anxieties of adolescent sexuality. He described it as ‘a kind of record, in words and pictures, of my own state of mind at the time’, in particular of his love for Lilith Lang, the sister of a fellow student, who appears with him in the final image, The Girl Li and I. He wrote later that ‘the book was my first love-letter’, although his relationship with Lilith had ended by the time it appeared.

 The Dreaming Youths was one of Kokoschka’s most significant early statements, and the frank, erotic metaphor and personal mythology introduced here would become central to his later artistic productions, both visual and literary.

The girl Li and I 

Toyen (Marie Cerminova) ... Erotica & essay...


"Toyen's entire oeuvre aims at nothing less than the correction of the exterior world in terms of a desire that feeds upon and grows from its own satisfaction. "
Benjamin Peret 1953

interesting essay on Toyen here >

previous toyen

Thursday, July 28, 2011

František Kobliha (1877 - 1962)... woodcuts..


A fallen star 1925


Girl in grain 1920


Reflection 1928

more wonders here > ČESKÝ SYMBOLISMUS

Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972)... lithograph


from the series Order and Chaos - Compass rose ~ 1955
This special edition of lithographs where intended to be presented to the members of the Masonic Order in Holland, the Knights of Templar.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Story of the Eye ...Andre cover

Cover sketch for George Bataille's Story of the Eye - first edition 1928 - André Masson

"And it struck me that death was the sole outcome of my erection, and if Simone and I were killed, then the universe of our unbearable personal vision was certain to be replaced by the pure stars, fully unrelated to any external gazes and realizing in a cold state, without human delays or detours, something that strikes me as the goal of my sexual licentiousness: a geometric incandescence (among other things, the coinciding point of life and death, being and nothingness), perfectly fulgurating..."

 George Bataille's Story of the Eye

 previous post > George Bataille

Friday, July 22, 2011

Karel Valter (1909- 2006).... Faun

click on image to enlarge

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Christoph Krieger ... Woodcut 1590

De gli habiti antichi et moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due . . . (Of Ancient and Modern Dress of Diverse Parts of the World in Two Books . . .), 1590
Cesare Vecellio (Italian, ca. 1521–1601)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dolorosa... new drawing 2011


Xenoglossia series no 3 ~ 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Jan Svankmajer... Collage


from one of my favourite filmakers a surrealist collage from 1973

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My works...drawings Vowed Series no7

click image to enlarge

 Dolorosa ~ Vowed series no 7 - gouache and pencil 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Boetius Adams Bolswert. (ca. 1580-1633).. emblem..

click image to enlarge

What is mine in heaven and so what should I want on earth from Thee?

from the Pia Desideria Emblematis Elegiis by Hugo Hermann one of the most popular spiritual love emblem book ever published, illustrated with the beautiful emblematic designs of the great baroque artist Boetius Adams Bolswert.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Magickal art of Shannon Esmeralda...

"Unity comprises unity that is everything is contained in everything"

from Ophidian Pathways & Heart of Blood by Shannon Esmeralda's essay in 




more at  Shannons > OCCULTRIXX

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Unica Zürn... Happy Birthday! ...painting...

click on image to enlarge

Tempera on board 1957

"If only nobody would block my view. This was what bothered me the most.
My new viewpoint was of great importance to me. I would defend it
against all comers, however weary I might be" UZ