Thursday, August 11, 2011

Felicien Rops & Victor Neuburg... erotic print. & poem excerpt...

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L'Amante du Christ, 1888 ~ Felicien Rops

Sweet wizard, in whose footsteps I have trod
Unto the shrine of the most obscene god, and
Let me once more feel thy strong hand to be
Making the magic signs upon me! Stand,
Stand in the light, and let mine eyes drink in
The glorious vision of the death of sin!

from 'The Romance of Olivia Vane' Victor Neuburg.


  1. What an interesting juxtaposition. Victor B. Neuburg was a fascinating man and a fine if minor poet - shattered by his association with Crowley. His son Victor E. Neuburg was a good friend of mine. The nice thing about Vickybird's books is that it so rare to find an unsigned one - he gave them all away, so far as I can tell, each with a long inscription signed with his name and a backslash with a dot below and a dot above (a sigil that Victor E. also incorporated into his signature).

  2. Thank you Neil, always good to find out these little things! I am very fond of his intense passionate poetry. I like the nickname too!;)

  3. Lovely pairing ! The original appearance of the above image by FĂ©licien Rops was in Rodolphe Darzen's play 'L'Amante du Christ', 1888.

  4. Many thanks,didnt know about the play connection! and thanks for looking in! :) x
