Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dolorosa... drawing.. new issue Paraphilia Magazine's Periodical / AD Hitchin

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Dolorosa  ~ Pen and ink gouache ~ 

In the beginning, all beginners were alike.
All organisms are areas of tension descended from a common vaginal ancestral gene pool.

Published in new edition of Paraphilia Magazine with writing by A.D. Hitchin

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Filippo Ferroverde...Cartari’s Handbook of the Gods...1615

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Mexican god from Codex Rios juxtaposed with Egyptian gods and hieroglyphs

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Francisco Agüera Bustamante...La Portentosa vida de la muerte...1792

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The earliest documented example of skeletal imagery in Mexico’s literary culture is thought to be the etchings accompanying the tragicomic protonovel, La Portentosa vida de la muerte, published in 1792 by Fray Joaquín Bolaños and illustrated by Francisco Agüera

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Georges Malkine (1898-1970)...illustration... Follow New Songs...1933

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illustration for Chansons Nouvelles Suivi  by Marc Fernand 1933

Léonor Fini...1966

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'' To my friend Jean-Bernard, Gilbert Lely The physical difference between man and woman, this fabulous luxury dazzles me.''

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Léon Ferrari...'Hell' print 1995/6

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Drawing by Yaparí, Guaraní Aborigine + Set of Scales = 'Infierno', dibujo de Yaparí, aborigen guaraní + Balanza de dos platillos

more HERE

Memento Mori... print & poem.. Christina Georgina Rossetti

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Memento Mori

Poor the pleasure
Doled out by measure,
Sweet though it be, while brief
As falling of the leaf;
Poor is pleasure
By weight and measure.

Sweet the sorrow
Which ends to-morrow;
Sharp though it be and sore,
It ends for evermore:
Zest of sorrow,
What ends to-morrow.

Christina Georgina Rossetti

Friday, March 15, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Marcus Behmer (1879-1955) ... Ver Sacrum... illustrations

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Faust and Wagner 1903

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Angel of Death

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Death on a tree

illustrations for Ver Sacrum ("Sacred Spring" in Latin)  the official magazine of the Vienna Secession. Published from 1898 to 1903

more from Flickr Set

previous Behmer on Cabinet

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Doctor Johannes Faust ... books...Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis... 1849

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the classic Magia naturalis et innaturalis was known to Johann W. von Goethe, who, like Gotthold Lessing, saw Faust's pursuit of knowledge as noble; in Goethe's great Faust the hero is redeemed.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pascal Beverly Randolph... Eulis “Affectional Alchemy” book covers ... 1930

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The book, in German "Die sexualmagischen Lehren der Bruderschaft von Eulis", was originally
published by Randolph (1825-1875) in 1874 with the founding of The Brotherhood of Eulis ("Hermetische Bruderschaft vonLuxor"), presumably to work sex-magic. Randolph also founded the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, the oldest Rosicrucian
organization in the United States


So far well; but at last the world wants to know more of that wonderful fraternity, which, nameless at times for long centuries, blossomed a few centuries ago as Rosicrucia, but now has leaped to the fore-front of all the real reform movements of this wondefu1 age, and lo! the banner of peerless Eulis floats proudly—rock founded — on the breeze. We, the people of Eulis, be it known, are students of nature in her interior departments, and rejecting alike the coarse materialism of the ages, and the sham “philosophies” of the ages past and current, accept only that which forces conviction by its irresistible logic. Men who realize the existence of other worlds than this are not apt to give loose rein to passion; nor be content with fraud in any shape. We cannot take say-sos for facts, and therefore we reject much that appeals to others with the force of truth. We are ambitious to solve all possible mystery; we prefer one method to all other hyper-human agencies, knowing it to be infinitely preferable to all other modes of rapporting the occult and mysterious; and this book, and all others from the same pen, is but a very imperfect sketch or outline of the sublime philosophy of the Templars of EULIS. We know the enormous importance of the sexive principle; that a menstruating woman is an immense power if she but knew it! that a pregnant one holds the keys of eternal mystery in her hand, and that while thus she can make or mar any human fortune! We know the mystic act is one unhinging the gates alike, of heaven and of hell; and we know two semi-brainless people may, by an application of esoteric principles, stock the 
world with mental giants. But where shall we find students? Are not all the people, nearly, the slaves of lust, place, gold? Well, we find one now and then; and we hail him or her as the Greeks hailed the sea— with excessive joy! Thalatta! Thalatta! They are not multitudinous now, but will be in the good time coming. 

Randolph’s “Rosicrucian Apology” from the first chapter of Eulis!, “Affectional Alchemy” (1874)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Frans de Geetere & Arthur Rimbaud... The Stupra... 1925

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Frans de Geetere ~ illustration for The Stupra 1925

The ancient beasts...

The ancient beasts bred even on the run,
Theirs glans encrusted with blood and excrement. 
Our forfathers displayed theirs members proudly
By the fold of the sheath and the grain of the scrotum.

In the middle ages, for a female, angel or sow,
A fellow whose gear was substantial was needed;
Even a Kléber, judging by his breeches which exagerate
Perhaps a little, can't have lacked resources.

Besides, man is equal to the proudest mammal;
We are wrong to be surprised at the hugeness of their members;
But a sterile hour has struck: the gelding

And the ox have bridled their ardours, and no one
Will dare again to raise his genital pride
In the copses teeming with comical children.

Arthur Rimbaud ~ The Stupra 1925