Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mahlon Blaine... Garden of Eden... 1956

Garden of Eden, 1956. Mixed media on board

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Austin Osman Spare...Two Figures With Moon...1945

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Two Figures With Moon  from 'Satyros Dux' 1945; original artwork for illustration, pencil with blue crayon

Austin Osman Spare... Funamblatory Ecstasy ... 1953

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Funamblatory Ecstasy  ~ Pencil on board 1953

Austin Osman Spare ... pencil drawing... Angel and Devil

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Others say knowledge only is eternal, it is the eternal illusion of learning-the Ukase of learning what we already know. Directly we ask ourselves "how" we induce stupidity; without this conception what is there we could not know and accomplish? Others for concentration, it will not free you, the mind conceiving the law is bondage. Arrived at that, you will want deconcentration. Dissociation from all ideas but one is not release but imaginative fulfilment, or the fury of creation. Others again, that all things are emanations of the Divine Spirit, as rays from the Sun, hence the need of emancipation? Verily, things are of necessity through their conception and belief. Then let us destroy or change conception, and empty the belief.

The Book of Pleasure (self-love), The Psychology of Ecstasy

 Austin Osman Spare