Saturday, December 28, 2013

Leonor Fini ... lithograph ... illustration for The Roman de la Rose... 1976ed

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The Roman de la Rose ~ One of the most influential poems of the Middle Ages
Guillaume de Lorris began writing it around 1237 but never finished it. Forty years later, around 1277, Jean de Meun completed the tale. 

Adrian Collaert... Memento Mori...1607

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 "I as thou art, thou shalt be as I am." 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Woodcut... The Crucifixion...1830

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Rennes, France c1830

Spina, clavi, lancea,
Mite corpus perforarunt:
Unda manat et cruor:
Terra, pontus, astra, mundus,
Quo lavantur flumine!

Thorns, nails, and spear pierce that gentle
Body: water flows forth, and blood: in which
stream are cleansed the earth, the ocean, the
stars, and the world!

from the hymn Crux fidelis

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fidus (Hugo Reinhold Karl Johann Höppener) 1868- 1948... Tempeltanz der Seele...I, II & III

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Temple Dance of the Soul I

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Temple Dance of the Soul II

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Temple Dance of the Soul III