Saturday, December 28, 2013

Leonor Fini ... lithograph ... illustration for The Roman de la Rose... 1976ed

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The Roman de la Rose ~ One of the most influential poems of the Middle Ages
Guillaume de Lorris began writing it around 1237 but never finished it. Forty years later, around 1277, Jean de Meun completed the tale. 

Adrian Collaert... Memento Mori...1607

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 "I as thou art, thou shalt be as I am." 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Woodcut... The Crucifixion...1830

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Rennes, France c1830

Spina, clavi, lancea,
Mite corpus perforarunt:
Unda manat et cruor:
Terra, pontus, astra, mundus,
Quo lavantur flumine!

Thorns, nails, and spear pierce that gentle
Body: water flows forth, and blood: in which
stream are cleansed the earth, the ocean, the
stars, and the world!

from the hymn Crux fidelis

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fidus (Hugo Reinhold Karl Johann Höppener) 1868- 1948... Tempeltanz der Seele...I, II & III

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Temple Dance of the Soul I

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Temple Dance of the Soul II

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Temple Dance of the Soul III

Karl Priebe (1914-1976)... painting

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 “Rehearsal for a Suicide”, c.1946 watercolor, colored pencil and mixed media/black paper, 16” x 20”

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Louis Marcoussis...illustrations for Guillaume Apollinaire's Alcohol... 1913

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The Betrothal, etching, plate 29 from Alcools1934

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“And the solitary cord of sea lutes.”
Singer, plate eight from Alcools1934

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Moonlight, plate 30 from Alcools1934

Mellifluent moon on the lips of the maddened
The orchards and towns are greedy tonight
The stars appear like the image of bees
Of this luminous honey that offends the vines
For now all sweet in their fall from the sky
Each ray of moonlight’s a ray of honey
Now hid I conceive the sweetest adventure
I fear stings of fire from this Polar bee
that sets these deceptive rays in my hands
And takes its moon-honey to the rose of the winds

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Lul of Faltenin, plate eighteen from Alcools1934

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Rosemonde, plate 21 from Alcools1934

I named her Rosemonde
Lest I forget
Mouth flowered in Holland
Then slowly I took my way
Seeking the rose of the world

May Den Engelsen... illustrations...Charles Baudelaire's Condemned Poems... 1927

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Mother of Latin games and Greek delights,
Lesbos, where kisses, languishing or joyous,
Burning as the sun's light, cool as melons,
Adorn the nights and the glorious days;
Mother of Latin games and Greek delights,

Lesbos, where the kisses are like cascades 
That throw themselves boldly into bottomless chasms 
And flow, sobbing and gurgling intermittently, 
Stormy and secret, teeming and profound; 
Lesbos, where the kisses are like cascades!

Lesbos, where courtesans feel drawn toward each other,
Where for every sigh there is an answering sigh,
The stars admire you as much as Paphos,
And Venus may rightly be jealous of Sappho!
Lesbos, where courtesans feel drawn toward each other,

Lesbos, land of hot and languorous nights,
That make the hollow-eyed girls, amorous
Of their own bodies, caress before their mirrors
The ripe fruits of their nubility, O sterile pleasure!
    Lesbos, land of hot and languorous nights...

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Illustrations from Condemned Poems illustrated by May Den Engelsen, published 1927

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Georg Trakl (1887-1914)... Self Portrait & poem. .. 1913

Born, February 3, 1887 - Died, November 3, 1914

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Painted Probably on 11.30.1913, Innsbruck in the studio of Max von Esterle

The Deep Song

From deep night I was released.
My soul is astonished in immortality,
My soul listens over space and time
To the melody of eternity!
Not day and lust, not night and suffering
Is the melody of eternity,
And since I listened to eternity,
I feel no more lust and suffering!

more HERE

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Marian Wawrzeniecki ( 1863 – 1943)... the painter of witches..sketches & paintings

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Slavic Victim

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Our Life 1937

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Spring Sacrifice 1937

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Dola 1937

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Art and Criticism with us or torture witch

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Death appeases all c 1905

Jan Konůpek (1883–1950)...Etchings...

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Battle 1932

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Shot 1930

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Idea (Fleeing Soul) 1929

Friday, October 18, 2013

Diego Rivera... The Popol Vuh... illustrations 1930-33

In 1930, while in San Francisco, Mexican artist Diego Rivera began a series of illustration for 
a translation of the Popol Vuh by North American writer John Weatherwax. Both men shared
 a fascination with the indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica. The Popol Vuh, or council book, 
recounts the ideas and traditions, origins and dynastic chronology up to the year 1550 of 
the ancient Quiché Maya inhabitants of the highlands of present-day Guatemala.
Beginning as oral tradition, the Popol Vuh was set down in hieroglyphic form, then into what 
Popol Vuh scholar Dennis Tedlock has called an “alphabetic substitute,” before being 
transcribed and translated into Spanish by the Dominican friar Francisco Ximénez in the eighteenth century.

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The Creation
Illustration for Popol Vuh, 1930–1933.
Watercolor and gouache on paper. 48 × 64 cm. (19 × 25¼ in.)

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The Trials of Hero Twins 
Illustration for Popol Vuh, 1930–1933.
Watercolor and gouache on paper. 
31 × 48 cm. (12¼ × 18¾ in.)

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Human Sacrifice Before Tohil 
Illustration for Popol Vuh, 1930–1933.
Gouache on paper. 
31 × 48 cm. (12¼ × 18¾ in.)