Monday, December 21, 2020

Dolorosa de la Cruz ~ gouache on paper, December 21, 2020


Solstice Greetings!

"Let us become fire.."

Proclus. On the Chaldean Oracles

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Benjamin Creme ~ Solar Angel, lithograph, c1970s



There is a mystical beauty to be achieved, as we all know, through art. It conveys a general sense of beauty, colour, and inspiration, and thus it clothes and veils ideas. There is an occult (hidden) beauty also to be achieved in the field of art. That conveys a different sense of beauty, colour, and inspiration, clothed in those forms which reveal ideas. Mystical beauty veils, in beauty, the ideal. Occult beauty reveals, in beauty, the ideal. -
 Master Djwhal Khul.