A little known Belgian artist Ghislaine de Menten de Horne and heroine of the Belgian Resistance, illustrations for an edition of La jeune Parque (The young Fate) published in 1935.
Spoken by a young woman, La jeune Parque is concerned with the battle between body and spirit; and between being and knowing.
She was born Marie Cécile Armande Ghislaine de Menten de Horne, into anaristocratic Belgian family. She attended the Académie Julian, andstudied printmaking in the studio of the engraver Paul Bornet.Subsequently she continued her artistic studies at the Académie Royaledes Beaux Arts in Brussels.

She first exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants in 1931. The thirtieswere marked by her friendships with the philosopher Marie-Anne Cochetand the writer Paul Valéry, and by her work on La jeune Parque and theunpublished Album de vers anciens. In 1942 she exhibited in the Toisond’Or and Breughel galleries in Brussels. Swept into the maelstrom ofWWII, her work with the Luc-Marc Resistance network and the romance ofher relationship with Max Londot, she did not exhibit again until 1966,with shows at the Mont des Arts and La Licorne in Brussels. Regular shows followed in her remaining years, mostly in various Brusselsgalleries, with a posthumous exhibition in the Veilingshuis“Vanderkindere” in 1996, the year after her death. Her artistic estatewas auctioned in aid of Médecins sans frontiers.