Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Penny Slinger ... Collage and drawing

Asana drawing after a nineteenth century miniature in the collection of the King of Nepal

I am the Half, collage 1969
from the book 50% The Visible Woman

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hilla Rebay (1890-1967)...

Forte oil on canvas 1949-59

Rondo oil on canvas 1943

Untitled oil an canvas c1920

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Dolorosa de la Cruz... Collage work 2015 lie frozen in the shadow of my night~ Elemental Passions, collage 2015

Friday, October 4, 2013

John Bingley Garland...Victorian Blood Book... Sept 1854

Assembled from several hundred engravings, many taken from books of etchings by William Blake, as well as other illustrations from early nineteenth-century books. The principal motifs are natural (birds, animals, and especially snakes) and Christian (images of the crucifixion, scenes from the Bible, and crusaders). Drops of red india ink and extensive religious commentary have been added to many of the images.

inscribed "To Amy Lester Garland--A legacy left in his lifetime for her future examination by her affectionate father" September 1st 1854

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jindrich Styrsky...collage ...Comte de Lautréamont...1939...


"It was a spring day. Birds spilled out their warbling canticles, and humans, having answered their various calls of duty, were bathing in the sanctity of fatigue. Everything was working out its destiny: trees, planets, sharks. All except the Creator! He was stretched out on the highway, his clothing torn, His lower lip hung down like a soporific cable. His teeth were unbrushed, and dust clogged the blond waves of his hair. Numbed by a torpid drowsiness, crushed against pebbles, his body was making futile efforts to get up again. His strength had left him, and he lay there weak as an earthworm, impassive as treebark. Gouts of wine swamped the ruts trenched by his shoulders' nervous twitches."
Lautréamont, From "Maldoror"
     (trans. Alexis Lykiard)

previous Jindrich Styrsky

Styrsky poem > here

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shuji Terayama... Collage & Haiku poem...

click on image to enlarge

while an ant
toiled from the dahlia
to the ash tray
I was forming
a beautiful lie

more here > UBUWEB

Wednesday, March 23, 2011