Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Born today... George William Russell Æ, April 10, 1867, Lurgan, Northern Ireland

''Yet of my night I give you the stars,
And of my sorrow here the sweetest gains...''

image: George William Russell, Mystical figures

Monday, April 9, 2018

Odilon Redon (1840-1916) ~ Pilgrim of the Sublunary World from Dreams, lithograph, 1891

On the satin back of the avalanche soft, 
She falls into lingering swoons, as she dies, 
While she lifteth her eyes to white visions aloft, 

Which like efflorescence float up to the skies. 

Charles Baudelaire, Tristesses de la lune from Fleurs du Mal

Born today...Charles Pierre Baudelaire, poet, April 9, 1821, Paris, France

The Spiritual Dawn

When upon revellers the stained dawn breaks 
The fierce ideal comes with it; at that hour, 
Stirred by some terrible avenging power, 
An angel in the sated brute awakes. 
Above the stricken, suffering man there glow 
Far azure plains of unimagined bliss 
Which draw his dreaming spirit like the abyss. 
O pure, beloved Goddess, even so 
O'er the smoked wrecks of stupid scenes of shame 
Brighter and rosier thy sweet memory 
Hovers before my wide eyes hauntingly...
The Sun has dimmed and charred the candles' flame, 
And thus, my glorious all-conquering one, 
Thy shade is peer to the immortal Sun

~ Fleurs du mal / Flowers of Evil

image: Carlo Farneti (1892-1961) illustration for Les Fleurs du Mal 1935

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Born today... Méret Oppenheim, 6 October 1913 Berlin, Germany

Méret Oppenheim ~ Enchantment 1962

Meret Oppenheim ~ Breakfast in Fur 1936

''All thoughts that have ever been thought roll around the Earth in a colossal sphere of ideas. The Earth explodes, the sphere is shattered, and the thoughts spread across the universe, where they live on in distant stars."

from "Self-Portrait from 50.000 BC to X" (1980) ~ Méret Oppenheim

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Comte de Lautréamont (4 April 1846 – 24 November 1870)...Happy Birthday...

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Chants de Maldoror illustration  Hans Bellmer 1971

Pale hair in thick windings
Crackled in shadows horribly;
And behind, in rough, long hummings
There unreeled, according to species and size,
The animals of the earth and of the heavenly circlings.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hans Christian Andersen...Happy Birthday... Picture book...1869

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Hans Christian Ørsted's Picture-Book was made in 1869 by Mathilde Ørsted and Hans Christian Andersen.

'' If a marble city with golden roofs had lain before him he would not have
been astonished, his imagination was prepared for anything ''

H C Andersen ~ Only a fiddler

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