Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Works of Art... Nkisi Nkondi





Power figures from the Kongo 18th/19th Century

The Kongo peoples live in southwestern Zaire and Angola. In a few traditional Kongo villages a religious specialist, who is also a healer and a legal expert, takes care of the spiritual and physical needs of the villagers with the assistance of a powerful carved figure, called ankisi nkondi. Popularly known as nail figures, these sculptures were used for a wide variety of purposes, including to protect the village, to prove guilt or innocence, to heal the sick, to end disasters, to bring revenge, and to settle legal disputes.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Robert Caby... drawings

the lovely drawings of Robert Caby 



Caby had a long and richly varied life and at various points, was engaged in writing art criticism and political articles, composing and arranging concerts, creating surrealistic drawings and dealing with rare books and paintings. His wide circle of friends included important musicians and artists of the time such as Erik Satie, Darius Milhaud, Pablo Picasso, Francis Poulenc, Charles Koechlin and Henri Sauguet. In the mid 1960's he was responsible for the posthumous publication of Satie's unpublished works from sketchbooks and was important in awakening public interest in the composer. By the time of his own death, he had composed some 900 works.

a music bio and link to piano clips here

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Johannes Sadeler ...Bacchus, Amor & Music...1500's

Sadeler, Johannes bacchus amor music
click for larger image


from Six Little Poems in Prose
by Charles Baudelaire

translated by Aleister Crowley

Friday, November 19, 2010

Guillaume Cornelis van Beverloo (1922 – 2010) aka Corneille.. RIP

only just learned of Corneille's passing on the 5th of Sept 2010, farewell...

CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 1975

CORNEILLE (1922-2010) gouache

Elles belles mortelles4


from the Elles belles mortelles series - gouache 1975

more at my flickr

William D Hammond...prints



more here

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Leonor Fini... The Story of O

another scan from the Story of O illustrated by L Fini


more here

Book Covers ....& etc

from the unique Portuguese publishing house & etc some wonderful covers :






more here and here