Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Books ...Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz....



Modernly known as In honorem sanctae crucis, this work on the holy cross by Rabanus Maurus (a.k.a. Hrabanus Maurus) was completed by 814 and through the manuscript and early printing era it was known under the title of De Laudibus sancte Crucis. The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History says that “with this work Hrabanus paved the way to fill the theoretical gap left open by the previous debates in the East and West about the legitimacy of visual images.”



And visual this work certainly is: It contains 30 carmina figurata (2 unnumbered and 28 numbered) glorifying the holy cross and two xylographic illustrations. The cataloguer at the Pierpont Morgan Library writes that the “Illustrations (pattern or figure poems) are in red and black, sometimes complete woodcuts, sometimes woodcut with letterpress. Various poetic texts can be derived from the resulting configurations. Explanatory text and a transcript of the poem complements each illustration.” The archbishop's work ranks among the earliest examples of printed concrete poetry. And, because his poems are encrypted in a grid of 36 lines each containing 36 letters, this also is an early work in the field of cryptology.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Francis Picabia...

“The eyes of sleepwalkers
are scented
with the madness
of centrifugal


covers from the Litterature journal

"One must become acquainted with everybody except oneself; one must not know which sex one belongs to; I do not care whether I am male or female, I do not admire men more than I do women. Having no virtue, I am assured of not suffering from them. Many people seek the road which can lead them to their ideal: I have no ideal; the person who parades his ideal is only an arriviste..."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grayson Perry... graphic novel...

a few scans from a favourite graphic books...




Before winning the Turner Prize, Grayson Perry found time to write and illustrate this disturbing tale reminiscent of Hitchcock's Psycho . Set in a utopian future without cars, international cycling hero Bradley Gaines is hideously transformed into a misogynistic serial killer when latent anger at his cruel and domineering dead mother is suddenly unleashed.
Published by Atlas Press 1992

Paul Delvaux...

Paul Delvaux (September 23, 1897 – July 20, 1994) Belgian Surrealist Painter

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Edith Stein... poem...

And I Remain With You

Who are you, sweet light, that fills me
And illumines the darkness of my heart?
You lead me like a mother's hand,
And should you let go of me,

I would not know how to take another step.
You are the space
That embraces my being and buries it in yourself.
Away from you it sinks into the abyss
Of nothingness, from which you raised it to the light.
You, nearer to me than I to myself
And more interior than my most interior
And still impalpable and intangible
And beyond any name...

Monday, September 21, 2009


Marie Čermínová (TOYEN)

September 21, 1902 Prague - November 1980, Paris
was a Czech painter, draftsman and illustrator, a member of the surrealist movement.


