Friday, August 19, 2011

Annie Bandez a.k.a Little Annie.... Paintings...


Viral Christ 2005
Watercolor / Acrylic / Ink on Arches acid free paper

Christmas Held Up By The Angels Water, 2010
Watercolor / Acrylic / Gold leaf / Swarovski Crystal on Canvas 

more works  here > Little Annie Artwork

Monday, August 15, 2011

Denis Forkas Kostromitin... Graphic works and paintings...


"Study for Victory", pastels on paper, 42x30cm, 2011

"Six-Winged Seraph" vignette, graphite on paper, 16x12cm, 2009

"Sleeping Princess", colour ink on paper, 42x30cm, 2011

*many thanks to Denis for sending the Cabinet this previously unseen work awating publishing

"Transgression Studies, I: Awakening" 2009

more wonders here >

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Angela Edwards... painting..

images taken from a large 10m canvas piece

The journeys of abstracted forms evoked after ritual in the dreamlandscapes offer also a form of spirit to man or woman TRUE initiation through image channeling of the Qliphoth relearns in being a gift from the initiator the spirits to humbled man or woman allowing us the knowledge to enlightened full being .
In this we are shown a place of nightmares that we are initiated not to fear,in that fearlessness is a main key to all true practice, we are taught to embrace darkness aswell as light and all have validity in our journey through spiritual communication, full enlightenment transgression to our full higher self embracing all our POTENTIAL.
So in this one of the main aspects of initiation becomes none human and becomes the relation of the mappings of Qlipoth spiritual universe through the subconscious uncontrolled aspects of images evocated through dreams. Angela Edwards


more > HERE