Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Louise Bourgeois ... RIP

~♥ Louise Bourgeois ♥~   
December 25, 1911 – May 31, 2010 

           A scan of favourite image of LB, from a great US magazine Nest sadly out of print.


Ernst Fuchs... print


earlier posts FUCHS

Saturday, May 29, 2010


and from same Link below two favourite Ertes



Erotic Art.... Satyrs


* with thanks to Bernard Perroud for image above and Link.



Two favourites from Gerda Wegener

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

William S Burroughs....drawing...


Nasty Young Cop

Q : Have you been able to think for any length of time in images  with the inner voice silent?

WB :  I'm becoming more proficient at it, partly through my work with scrapbooks and translating the connections between words and images. Try this. Carefully memorize the meaning of a passage, then read it; you'll find you can actually read it without the words making any sound whatever in the mind's ear. Extraordinary experience, and one that will carry over into dreams. When you start thinking in images, without words, you're on the way.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Austin Osman Spare... drawing


Astral Body 1925

"Know the subconsciousness to be an epitome of all experience and wisdom, past incarnations as men, animals, birds, vegetable life, etc., etc., everything that exists, has and ever will exist."