Sunday, October 16, 2011

Robert Taylor... Pen & Ink drawings and Poem...


Rose ~ pen and ink


Sri Yantra for the Kali Yuga ~ Pen and Ink

Flower of  Freya ~ Pen and Ink

The Pointillist

In the gathering indigo of evening
at the twilight of the day,
as ghosts of blue smoke be rising
from chimeys red and grey,

an ink-besmeared drawing board,
testament to lonely nights
of labor-intense endeavors
where his patient work is wrought.

The small key rolls the tumblers
of an oiled, aged lock
that opens the door to stillness.
He feels for the light switch
to vanquish the dark.

Alchemist of the stipple-pen
in his black kitchen of art,
pursuing the endless journey
from ink to pen to dot.

His hair now streaked with silver,
Myopia dims his sight.
His years in dots are measured,
subtracting from his life...

more wonders here at the Red Salon

Winners of 500,000 mark giveaway!

Many thanks to all who put their name in the hat and for the lovely feeback! :) much appreciated! Congratulations to Baasma Parvi who gets the print and Peter Dyde who gets the book. Enjoy!

Rosaleen Norton... At home... drawing...


Rosaleen Norton aged 5

"At Home" from the Art of Rosaleen Norton

...she writes that Kundalini 'sometimes assumes the shape
of a serpent' and is 'my most powerful Familiar'...

from research papers of Neville Drury 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Cabinet of the Solar Plexus...New Work & freebies...

Dear Visitors,
To mark the occassion of 500,000 hits on the blog today, i will be giving away a print of my new works and a book by Unica Zurn who was the inspiration for the name of this blog. Many thanks to all the muses, those who visit and to the many with messages of support which keep me inspired! it is very much appreciated!
In Love and Light

Names will be picked out of a magick hat! ;) send e-mails with name to me at

 click on image to enlarge

Untitled Watercolour 2011~ Dolorosa a limited edition of 4, A5 size with 1 inch border printed on Hahnemühle FineArt paper


Unica Zürn’s “Dark Spring” is a haunting story about the debilitating confusion a twelve year old can experience when confronted with gender awareness, sexuality and abuse. This particular work is semi-autobiographical and eerily foreshadows the writer’s own suicide by defenestration. A German Surrealist, Zürn was a writer, an artist, and the prototype for Hans Bellmer’s infamous poupée. Although Zürn’s ink drawings are some of the most striking images to evoke the nightmarish figures of a disturbed mind, her writings are even more telling in their descriptions of the mind’s inner workings and how it fares when imprisoned by its own hallucinations. Institutionalized several times throughout her life, Zürn’s work is replete with reflections on mental illness. Even within a state of clinical madness, she is capable of writing about madness as though it were something she were observing, empathizing with it rather than being subjected to it. Zürn reassures her reader she is aware of her craziness, her delusional fabrications, and that she knows there is beauty in this unique state of being. Everything is treated with the same weight, from hallucinations to concrete reality; they are all authentic experiences in the eyes of Zürn.

With the androgynous mind of Coleridge, the incandescent and resonant voice of Woolf, the asexual beauty of a Steiglitz portrait of Georgia O’Keefe, Zürn is the artist who embodies elements of the Two made into One. Layered and multifaceted with androgynous motifs, Zürn’s work speaks with a voice more outspoken and sublime than one may realize at first glance. She annihilates and amalgamates states of being, each treated with as much authenticity as the next; experience seen through the eyes of the many faces of Unica is both feminine and masculine.

from a very good review HERE

Unica Zürn... drawing...c1960s


click on image to enlarge 

previous Zürn

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ex Libris... Dolorosa... 2011 ...Paraphilia ISSUE 12


Have two drawings in the latest Issue of PARAPHILIA Magazine Issue 12

PARAPHILIA ISSUE 12 IS NOW AVAILABLE. Featuring an exclusive excerpt from Nick Tosches' forthcoming novel, Heather Harris' story on the Ron Asheton Tribute Concert, Interviews with Tony Visconti, Blackfire Revelation, Gary Lucas, Vadge Moore, David Thomas, Sharron Kraus, and Pam Wilson, and delectable goodies from.......
Heather Harris, Dolorosa De La Cruz, Andrew Maben, F.X. Tobin, Matt Leyshon, Aurora Loveday, Díre McCain, Kim Dallesandro, Feral Kelly, dixe.flatlin3, Stagger Lloyd, The Dogs, Susan Te Kahurangi King, Charles Christian, D M Mitchell, Christopher Nosnibor, Guttersaint, Cricket Corleone, Richard A. Meade, Patrick Wright, Michelle Facchini, Max Reeves, Declan Tan, Lisa Wormsley, Gene Gregorits, Robert Earl Reed, Adel Souto, Craig Woods, Nick Louras, Sue Fox, Chris Madoch, Hank Kirton, Richard Reynolds, Kate MacDonald, Bob Pfeifer, Lana Gentry, Claudia Bellocq, Ricardo Acevedo, and David Gionfriddo

Thursday, October 6, 2011

John Caple...Paintings...




Night Journey


Silent Supper

All paintings courtesy of the John Martin Gallery, London.

more here John Caple

Monday, October 3, 2011

MURILLO Y VELARDE, TOMÁS DE...ratado de raras, y peregrinas yervas . . . y sus maravillosas virtudes 1674


a work by the physician to King Philip IV of Spain on the qualities and medicinal properties of southernwood, ox-eye camomile, and mandrake.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011