Monday, October 7, 2013

Leon Kelly (1901-1982)...painting and drawings...

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Edward Topsell ...The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents ... woodcuts 1658

Published in 1658, The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents depicts both real and fantastical creatures in detailed woodcuts. A wide swath of the animal kingdom is represented, including mammals, reptiles,amphibians, insects, and marine life, as well as an array of mythical beasts. 

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MORE woodcuts HERE

Stultifera navis (Ship of Fools) ... Sebastian Brant... woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer... 1498

Woodcuts attributed to  Albrecht Durer. Illustrations from the book
Stulifera navis (Ship of fools) by Sebastian Brant, published by
Johann Bergmann in Basel in 1498

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Five Foolish Virgins

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The Ship of Sight

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Fools far, near and Forever

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He Who Judges Others

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Of Gods Plagues and Punishments

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The Ship of Touch

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Of Dancing

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Of Luck

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Of Scorned Joy

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Of Wooing

Friday, October 4, 2013

Teaching Dhamma by Pictures...Siamese Traditional Buddhist Manuscript ...Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

from the book “Teaching Dhamma by Pictures”
Explanation of a Siamese Traditional Buddhist Manuscript
by Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Published by 
Sathirakoses-Nagaparadi Foundation & Ministry of Education, Thailand
On the occassion of the Centenary Celebration of the Bith of the Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikku

The illustrated manuscript reproduced here was, in the original, a traditional Thai 
manuscript called Samut Khoi which is a long roll of paper folded concertina-wise into 
leaves and then written on both sides. In this form, the illustration was presented first, 
followed by a few lines of explanation on a particular aspect of Dhamma such as 
Meditation and so forth. Cambodian script was used in those days for all religious work 
thought the language is Siamese. 
The pigments used were produced locally, most of them derived from native trees. 
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John Bingley Garland...Victorian Blood Book... Sept 1854

Assembled from several hundred engravings, many taken from books of etchings by William Blake, as well as other illustrations from early nineteenth-century books. The principal motifs are natural (birds, animals, and especially snakes) and Christian (images of the crucifixion, scenes from the Bible, and crusaders). Drops of red india ink and extensive religious commentary have been added to many of the images.

inscribed "To Amy Lester Garland--A legacy left in his lifetime for her future examination by her affectionate father" September 1st 1854

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cécile Reims ... burin and dry-point prints

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Cécile Reims ~ Metamorphoses ~ 1957-1958 

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Cécile Reims ~ Metamorphoses ~ 1957-1958 

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Ephemeral being ~ 2003

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Sacred liquor - 2003-2004 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bocio sculptures...Benin & UK... Unknown & Charlotte Rodgers

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Bocio sculpture Benin

bocio; the word means "empowered (bo) cadaver (cio)" in the Fon language of Benin.

The most common and prototypical of the bacio genre, are bla-bocio whose surfaces have been bound tightly with cord, cloth, fur, chains, vines or other wrapping materials.The tieing and knotting of cords or other materials around a bocio serve to activate its power and bind other potent additive matter to the work.

The materials chosen to bind a sculpture vary; the most frequently employed are cotton thread, twisted feathers or plant parts, and strips of animal hide.
The placement of the bondage - usually on the stomach, chest arms or head - affects the meaning of the sculpture, since each body part is considered as the seat of different emotional concerns

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Charlotte Rodgers 2013  ~  'I Did Not Die Easy'. A baited badger which I found wrapped in a black plastic bag, and thrown onto the side of a motorway bypass. Its life,spirit and death were acknowledged, and its cry was sealed with nettle cord knotted around the jaw.Nothing is disposable.

more sculptures by Charlotte Rodgers HERE & HERE