Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ithell Colquhoun (1906-1988)... Imbolc... Feb 2 1972

Born today...Hugo von Hofmannsthal February 1, 1874, Landstraße, Vienna, Austria

Creatures of Flame

We are all creatures of flame. The butterfly: the intensity of a short life and fragility
become color. My death is like shadow, my life aquiver, a pulse in the light; I am so 
close to death it makes me proud, cruel and demonic.
Unmoved, I flutter from Helen's lips to Adonis' wound. 
I love my death, the flame, more than anything.

Creature of the Flood
Poem of the Mussels

We are alone in the dark. You up there have lips, rolled-up leaves, hands entwined with rosy blood and bluish veins, we are alone and cannot touch. We live our life fully, our fate is to resist the waves, that is what we become, and triumph and pain color us as the reflection of fall and of the sun colors the waves there near the surface.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Paul Holman... Tara Morgana, excerpt, 2014

from Tara Morgana by Paul Holman published by Scarlet Imprint and illustrated by the photography of Paul Lambert

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Rikki Ducornet ...poem and watercolour & gouache ... 1989

The lunatic algebra
of Love.
The frenzied orbits
of Mood.
The malarial temperatures
of Wound.
Symbols of the Cult
of Seizure:
This flesh, this amulet
This hot spoor
of predators.
This zodiac savaged
in the sky.

The Cult of Seizure 1989

Born today...André Masson ... Être et le néant (Being and Nothingness), indian ink drawing, 1941

Friday, November 21, 2014

Born today... René Magritte, November 21, 1898, Lessines, Belgium

Studies for the beyond, ca 1938 Pencil on Paper

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré ... from the series Mythological Beast... 1948

In the 1970s, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré started to transfer his thoughts to hundreds of small drawings in postcard format, using a ballpoint pen and colour crayons. These drawings, gathered under the title of Connaissance du Monde (Knowledge of the World), form an encyclopedia of universal knowledge and experience. Other projects, such as Readings from Signs Observed in Oranges (1988), serve as visionary records of divination. For Bouabré, his drawings are representation of everything that is revealed or concealed—signs, divine thoughts, dreams, myths, the sciences, traditions—and he views his role as an artist as a redemptive calling. He has stated: “Now that we are recognized as artists, our duty is to organize into a society, and in such a way to create a framework for discussion and exchange among those who acquire and those who create. From that could arise a felicitous world civilisation.”

“the heavens opened up before my eyes and seven colorful suns described a circle of beauty around their Mother-Sun, I became Cheik Nadro: ‘He who does not forget.’”

Venus of Syria ... Hellenistic Period... ca. 2nd/1st century BC.