Monday, January 25, 2010

may butterflies rise from yr grave every year..for Garcia Lorca...Rob Plath..poem

Louis le Brocquy - Lorca

may butterflies rise from yr grave every year..

by Rob Plath

a soldier pumped
two bullets
into yr buttocks
for being a queer

then another
into the branches
of yr lung
for being
a poet

another word
for dirty communist
to them

you were their worst enemy
w/unplugged asshole
& wide open singing
lung bags

i imagine yr
assassin bragging
about it afterwards
to his comrades

then later that night
giving his wife a good
hetero fascist fuck

his dick standing like
a middle finger
to commie faggot poets
his torso full of
fearful gears
moving w/precision
over her body

his clenched homophobic
cheeks thrusting
like a pair of iron fists
bloodless knuckles

giving it to her once
for himself
& once for the gang

the regime

Friday, January 22, 2010

Johann Joachim Becher...Physica subterranea ... 1669

Johann Joachim Becher (6 May 1635 – October 1682), was a German physician, alchemist, precursor of chemistry, scholar and adventurer





"... chemists are a strange class of mortals, impelled by an almost insane impulse to seek their pleasure among smoke and vapor, soot and flame, poisons and poverty, yet among all these evils I seem to live so sweetly, that [I'd die before I'd] change places with the Persian King..." JB

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Leonor Fini... Sphinx & Charles Baudelaire...Beauty..poem and drawings...





I am fair, O mortals! like a dream carved in stone,
And my breast where each one in turn has bruised himself
Is made to inspire in the poet a love
As eternal and silent as matter.

On a throne in the sky, a mysterious sphinx,
I join a heart of snow to the whiteness of swans;
I hate movement for it displaces lines,
And never do I weep and never do I laugh.

Poets, before my grandiose poses,
Which I seem to assume from the proudest statues,
Will consume their lives in austere study;

For I have, to enchant those submissive lovers,
Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful:
My eyes, my large, wide eyes of eternal brightness!

Charles Baudelaire - The Flowers of Evil
Translation by William Aggeler

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bloodsongs for the number 9... new drawings...

‡ Bloodsongs for the No.9 ‡

“She was a man; she was a woman.......It was a most bewildering and
whirligig state to be in”.
Julia Kristeva




No. 9

a set of 9 drawings , January 2010 blood,ink,charcoal and gouache

full set > BLOODSONGS


Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Insomnia or the Devil at Large... Henry Miller ... drawings


Drawings by Henry Miller, made during a bout of Insomnia 1965/66

“They reflect the varying moods of three in the morning. Some were sprinkled with bird seed, some with songes, and some with mensonges. Some dripped from the brush like pink arsenic; others clogged up on me and came out as welts and bruises. Some were
organic, some inorganic, but they were all intended to lead their own life in the garden of Abracadabra.”





MORE >>>> Henry Miller

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jack Smith ...The Beautiful Book...






The only autonomous collection of Jack Smith's photographs to appear during his lifetime, The Beautiful Book
comprises 19 hand-tipped black-and-white contact prints made from the original negatives. The photographs were produced mainly during the course of extended shooting sessions in Smith's Lower East Side apartment. Most date from the winter of 1962, although a few are earlier - including the final'signature' photograph, a portrait of the artist on the steps beneath the Brooklyn Bridge taken by filmmaker Ken Jacobs. Nearly half the photographs feature the artist Marian Zazeela, who provided the design for the book's silk-screened cover. Smith and his associates assembled
the books during the late spring and early summer of 1962, before shooting began on Flaming Creatures. Published and distributed by Piero Heliczer's press, the dead language, The Beautiful Book was advertised with a statement from the filmmaker Ron Rice: 'we studied these photographs with keen eye discovering new & more beautiful images hidden in every dissolve & curve of the draperies & silks which ran through these masterpieces like some long lost mysterious fume from

Edward Steichen ...1879-1973...
