Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bloodsongs for the number 9... new drawings...

‡ Bloodsongs for the No.9 ‡

“She was a man; she was a woman.......It was a most bewildering and
whirligig state to be in”.
Julia Kristeva




Felix Labisse (French, 1905-1982)... film poster


Related post > Magia Voluptuosa

Monday, January 25, 2010

may butterflies rise from yr grave every year..for Garcia Lorca...Rob Plath..poem

Louis le Brocquy - Lorca

may butterflies rise from yr grave every year..

by Rob Plath

a soldier pumped
two bullets
into yr buttocks
for being a queer

then another
into the branches
of yr lung
for being
a poet

another word
for dirty communist
to them

you were their worst enemy
w/unplugged asshole
& wide open singing
lung bags

i imagine yr
assassin bragging
about it afterwards
to his comrades

then later that night
giving his wife a good
hetero fascist fuck

his dick standing like
a middle finger
to commie faggot poets
his torso full of
fearful gears
moving w/precision
over her body

his clenched homophobic
cheeks thrusting
like a pair of iron fists
bloodless knuckles

giving it to her once
for himself
& once for the gang

the regime

Friday, January 22, 2010

Johann Joachim Becher...Physica subterranea ... 1669

Johann Joachim Becher (6 May 1635 – October 1682), was a German physician, alchemist, precursor of chemistry, scholar and adventurer





"... chemists are a strange class of mortals, impelled by an almost insane impulse to seek their pleasure among smoke and vapor, soot and flame, poisons and poverty, yet among all these evils I seem to live so sweetly, that [I'd die before I'd] change places with the Persian King..." JB

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Leonor Fini... Sphinx & Charles Baudelaire...Beauty..poem and drawings...





I am fair, O mortals! like a dream carved in stone,
And my breast where each one in turn has bruised himself
Is made to inspire in the poet a love
As eternal and silent as matter.

On a throne in the sky, a mysterious sphinx,
I join a heart of snow to the whiteness of swans;
I hate movement for it displaces lines,
And never do I weep and never do I laugh.

Poets, before my grandiose poses,
Which I seem to assume from the proudest statues,
Will consume their lives in austere study;

For I have, to enchant those submissive lovers,
Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful:
My eyes, my large, wide eyes of eternal brightness!

Charles Baudelaire - The Flowers of Evil
Translation by William Aggeler

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bloodsongs for the number 9... new drawings...

‡ Bloodsongs for the No.9 ‡

“She was a man; she was a woman.......It was a most bewildering and
whirligig state to be in”.
Julia Kristeva




No. 9

a set of 9 drawings , January 2010 blood,ink,charcoal and gouache

full set > BLOODSONGS